The building Pluto/ South Node / Saturn conjunction in Capricorn has been bringing up some of our deepest fears; particularly surrounding the material foundations of our lives. Of the very ground we stand on.
You’ve likely been feeling it…
… and these rising fears can easily become – are becoming – projected onto our immediate external reality. (Questions like “Is there enough?” “Am I doing enough?” “Am I in the right place?” and even “Will I survive?”)
This sense of urgency toward addressing and rectifying our material reality can become very visceral, even panicking; a triggering of the individual and collective pain-body that can feel like all reality is collapsing in around us.
But – as my friend and teacher Ari Moshe reminded me recently – what can feel like a material urgency can often be, on a deeper level, a call to a more spiritual urgency. That we perhaps are being asked to face the more inward-looking, soul-sustaining questions. (Such as “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “How does life want to move through me?” “How am I here to serve?” “What do I value?” “How might I (re)orient my life toward my values?”)
This question of value is perhaps the most burning of our times… the assumptions, beliefs and values upon which our entire realities have been built. Arguably, the two underlying beliefs of our current global society are:
1. Scarcity. Never enough.
2. Humans as rational automatons, motivated by self-interest.
What pleasant assumptions to walk around with as the base of our reality, eh?
And these are deeply embedded into our entire cosmology; our sense of self, of what the world is, of what the Earth is, of what life is.
These assumptions have imprisoned us. They’ve kept us small, in crippling fear, and in discreet separation from each other and all things. They are what have left a slew of destruction in humanity’s wake. And they are what have left Modern Man disconnected, lost – even miserable – in our own lives.
But there is another way — because this story at the base of our paradigm is just that — a story.
And that means we get to write a whole new one; new assumptions, new values, new beliefs. A whole new narrative where we humble down from the pedestal of Man and rise up into a reclamation of our place in the great ‘Hoop of Life’, intrinsically connected to and held by one great interbeing, on and as this breathing Earth.
Therefore, what we’re witnessing in these times may not only be described as an increasingly-rapid evolutionary process, but also an involutionary one. A path of peering down and into the core of ourselves, into the essence of our very being.
And that involution takes bravery. The greatest fortitude we’ll ever muster.
In a way, the easiest and most ego-affirming option is to immediately apply this urgent energy to our material surroundings. A sense of “What shall I do?!” And answers may, necessarily, lie here.
But — in the face of all this fear and instability, perhaps the most courageous thing we can to do is to keep-open the path inward — and hold ourselves gently in this process.
Because here – in the soft centre of our being – lies the awakening. Here lies the opening to the new beautiful world we’re all needing, craving; the opening to The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know Is Possible.
And it is possible.
Some day, none of this will be ours. This life. This Earth. Everything we’ve been gifted with.
And ythat breaks the heart; it breaks it clean open… Unravelling everything until all that’s left is a clear awareness – a misty-eyed, unending gratitude for all that is here. Now.
So – as the freeing treasure on the other side of this great unravelling fear (and there is another side) – let us be grateful. Deeply, disarmingly grateful.
And then go make this world far more beautiful.
artwork: ‘Freedom’ by Dallas Clayton