Silver Black Shores: A Poem
Be you friend or lover,
Sister or brother,
A life-time or season,
This meeting has reason,
And all moments were made for mine and yours,
To step feet in life’s misty and silver black shores.
So tell me your deepest and darkest nights,
And tell me your lonely and desperate fights,
And tell me your splitting and hollow heartbreaks,
And tell me your very own greatest mistakes,
Then let in the light as we cast aside,
The morals and measures of lows and highs,
Because if the lasting loyalty lies
Not with ideas,
or a plan,
or even a person,
But the heart,
and the truth,
and the transformation,
And if you wear your tears and cracks
Like cosmic jewels to be marvelled at,
With eyes of sad determination,
As you laugh and you rage and show your collection,
Then all mystery’s certainty is channelling through,
And I want to be stood right next to you,
And I want to tread those silver black shores,
With a tender and tenacious
broken heart like yours.
Written: August 2016
Photo: Barcola – Trieste, Italy